~ Philosophy and Approach

My Philosophy

The approaches  that inform my relational, integrative style as a coaching practitioner are the pluralistic and existential philosophies.  

My relational approach emphasises the importance of the coach-client relationship, while recognising your unique experiences, beliefs, and perspectives. I regard the relationship between my clients and I as one of the most valuable tools which is encompassed by the core condition congruence (Carl Rogers 1951); as important to me personally as it is in my professional relationships. 

With an existential underpinning, I recognise that our lives are characterised by uncertainty, ambiguity, and freedom, and that we may find meaning and purpose in our lives through our own choices and experiences. You can read more about my existential approach to coaching here.

Pluralism acknowledges the existence of multiple truth claims, perspectives, and realities, and encourages individuals to respect and appreciate diversity in all its forms. Pluralism for me as a practitioner means always being collaborative and truly understanding that there is more than one reality; that there are as many realities as there are individuals. 


We will look at you as a whole person and, depending on what you want to improve, I may ask questions about diet, exercise, head space and sleep hygiene as there are vital links between quality of life and the choices we make around these areas. 

Theoretical Approach

I draw from many models some of which I have worked for many years with as a psychotherapist, which translate beautifully and effectively into the world of coaching. My integrative style combines Transactional Analysis (TA), Ellis' Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) as REBCoaching, Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and Gabor Mate's Compassionate Inquiry (CE), all of which combine to create a holistic and effective approach to coaching.

TA focuses on your communication patterns and transactions with others, helping you to to identify
Derwentwater, Lake District

your communication style and improve your interactions with others.

REBC can help you to recognise and challenge irrational beliefs, leading to a more positive outlook on life. By shining a light on the obstacles you may have unwittingly created, perhaps as defence strategies that were once useful, we can prevent you from being held back further.

NVC prioritizes empathy, self-awareness, and non-judgmental language, teaching you to communicate your needs and feelings in a manner which is more likely to result in being effectively assertive, and less likely to be experienced by others as being inflammatory or confrontational.

Compassionate Enquiry is an approach to coaching that focuses on deep listening and empathetic understanding, helping you to uncover your needs and drives. 

By integrating these different techniques, I can help you to  improve your communication skills, challenge any irrational beliefs or blocks, express your needs and feelings in a positive way, and uncover your deepest drives and motivations, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying personal and professional life.

Working Holistically - with the whole person

The PERMA+ model of coaching, developed by Dr. Martin Seligman, is central to my holistic approach to therapeutic coaching. It is a framework grounded in positive psychology focusing on promoting well-being rather than simply addressing problems. The model consists of five core pillars: 

Positive Emotions
+ represents physical health and other holistic elements.

In my coaching practice, I encourage clients to explore each of these areas in a balanced way. I may ask questions about diet, exercise, head space and sleep hygiene as there are vital links between quality of life and the choices we make around these areas. We will also respectfully give consideration to your circumstances and factors/influences in your life.

I  will encourage you to explore new perspectives and possibilities. The goal is to empower you to make informed, authentic, and fulfilling life choices.